Principal's Desk

Principal's Desk

Since the evolution of organized human society, education has occupied a vital place in its present existence and further evaluation. Recently education has been linked not only with intellectual nourishment and the development of other facets of human personality but with the entire productivity. Without which no sphere of society can sustain itself. It is therefore imperative that education should be given the foremost attention by the people at the other societies of the world.

The main objective of teaching is to arouse the inquisitiveness and inner stressed instincts and problems of the students so that they might be able to lay the foundation of fundamental views toward right or wrong and also be conscious towards non-productive views. It stress is given on this aspect we will be ale to produce true and better law abiding citizens for our nation. This is what "SCOTTISH PUBLISH SCHOOL" is striving to do. Situated in it is an English Medium Coeducational institution which is located guide centrally and is easy of access from all parts of ARARRIA. The School has a team of good, qualified and experience teacher. Functional programs ___ sports, educational tours, dramas general Knowledge contents and cultural functions for the Ed cultural uplift of the children and organized periodically

Principal S.P.S. Araria
Naresh Yadav